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Hello, sorry for commenting so much but I've got a question that's been bugging me for a while

Has Theodore ever prayed to Acoite? Within the 10.5 months Acoite was there

I've only gotten 3 endings (including the true ending! It was super cute!!) so I'm not sure if it was explicitly said in one of the routes 

Thank you again! ^-^

(1 edit) (+4)

hey! well, that's massive spoilers (also, death of the author applies if anyone wishes to interpret it differently) but what our writer meant by this is:

spoilers below

Yes, Theo never explicitly prayed to Acoite. The reason Theo summoned Acoite in the first place was his own trial by the Divine Order: as a candidate for the god of clarity, he needed to prove that he's not... influenced by cognitive biases. So, he never acts on the desire of keeping desiring and on the yearning for something that was never real in the first place; that's why the player can fail his ascension requirements by explicitly using Acoite's powers on his mind and mess up with his mind and perception. 

A small detail but you can notice Theo's not influenced by nostalgia when Acoite asks him what he'd like to do or what are his favorite places - even though he loves France, his home country, and old videogames, he wants to travel to East Asia and he quickly finds new favorite places across town, too. 

That's why the True End is this: their relationship properly works if they like each other as individuals, and can't influence each other using divine powers (because otherwise..... there's some unspoken power imbalance, y'know!). 

(fun fact, it's never said in-text but I thought the events of the game happen... in some fictional version of Seattle). 

hope that satisfies your curiousity!

(1 edit)


(i never knew theo was aware that he was a god candidate...that raises so many questions in my head but I gotta keep playing if I want answers....)

Also,another question, are u guys planning to do a certain qna typa stuff about the game? or set up a discord one day (u don't have to answer, my curiosity is getting ahead of me) 

As always, thank you for your hard work!!!! i am enjoying the game and developing an unknowing attachment to


mhm, that's the thing - he wasn't aware of it but because of the way he is, he acted in accordance to the requirements (well, he acted like he is, sort of in a blind test way - the doylist reason for that is because I wanted him to). 

and we... never thought about running a Discord server, to be honest because we never expected people to be interested much? but if there's an interest, we can certainly try to! 

Hopefully the extended version goes well! (praying on it, ppl absolutely need to know about this game) 

Remember me when ur famous (・w・)7


Ah I love this game so much xD I have troubles getting the true ending but I really enjoy playing it every time! I only have gotten 4/17 nd has gotten mercy nd mortality as my first! this really fun. Also I hope we get a few cutscenes per ending. Also a poly between the three. I really love them so much with my heart TT.. I think commented in the wrong post,,

 Thank you so much for making this game!


Words cannot express what a godsent game this is. The mere fact that it exists is werfhnhdjs THANK YOUU SO SO MUCH <33 I'm very looking forward to seeing more of your works.


This was a lovely experience! I can’t wait to go through the rest of the ending, great job, all of you <3


I literally love this game, but how to skip text on mobile phones?? 😭


ahhhh well

as of now . . . it does not exist on mobile we're very sorry!


this is really lovely....just very nice and fun and funny and sweet....really improved my mood :)

(2 edits)

One very important question tho (hopefully you'll answer since I, as someone who lives in a place where 1 dollar is 57 pesos, wants to be ready for the costs I will face) 

How are you going to price the extended version? 


hey! we're very happy and honored to hear you're willing to support us further! 

initial plan is 10 USD for the game and smth like 20 USD for a deluxe edition (with bonus artbook and stuff) + we hope to be able to offer physical merch for extra price but it's not confirmed yet! 

P. S. Steam offers recommended regional prices so it's gonna be ~25% cheaper in pesos than in US dollars if your Steam account is not registered as NA/EU since ugh NA/EU are, of course, the most expensive regions

20 dollars in php is about 1100php, which means I can probably save up for the deluxe version as well!! (yay) again you guys are so so kind pls keep up the hard work 

(1 edit) (+1)

Ive been in love with this game for a while and I'm surprised that it barely has any fan content. Or no fan content at all actually (can you believe it when I say that I've been searching everywhere but there's legit none lmao) 

Anyway love the game, hope the extended version comes around soon. 

(and hopefully a full ending guide for the extended version because I know for a fact that clueless people like me would be super confused on how to get certain endings please please please please please please please please plea) 


weeeeeeell -- suppose we ain't this popular (yet)! but if anyone wants to make fan stuff, they have our full permission, go wild, write your smutty fanfiction and lewdy fanart, make us a fan wiki and a TVTropes page LMAO

(1 edit) (+1)

Don't worry!!! I will do my best so many ppl will buy the extended version!!!! (working on my Theodore cosplay yippee) thank you for the permission o kind ones, you are truly so so kind

(if there is no fan content, I WILL BE THE FAN CONTENT.) 


ohhhhhhhhhhh omg please send pics tag us on xwitter this is so excitng!!




beware spoilers ahead

Firstly, if you outright refuse their request, they'll leave on a more hopeful note; 

And, if acoite's insight is 35 or higher OR his affinity to "the abyss" 10 or higher (which can only be unlocked if acoite was a bad kitty on day 6 and (murdered the pizza guy) is currently on godly probation) then you can actually talk to lich a little further without making them cry; 


thank you so much :)))


Hello! I recently play the game and I love it!!! But somehow I can't beat chutlu (-ω-;) I tried redoing it over 3 time and making sure making divine power are 100 and have potent+minions 10 but it still wouldn't work!! Can anyone help me(◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)


Potence and minions need to be over 15 - maybe that's where it's going wrong? Also, which option do you choose when you do the fight? Maybe you're picking the wrong one (I'm not sure which one you need to choose, but I've only ever chosen Divine Order and that's gotten me past the fight) 


The game was fantastic!! Do you have a twitter or any form of social media that we could use to follow development of the extended addition?


Just got the true end and my gosh, I am hooked!!! It's absolutely amazing and I had so much fun playing. The art is so so gorgeous as well and just makes the experience even more enjoyable. I also really enjoyed how the game just keep showing me more stuff and I absolutely can't get enough. I haven't gotten all the endings so I'm about to go and do just that. Thank you for this wonderful game!!!


i love this game very much, its simple yet entertaining and i adore the art style! currently im trying to get the dogcat route after i got the true ending (which was SO CUTE?????) im having trouble figuring out how to survive the money issue after robbing the bank,... could i possibly get a hint? please im begging im deperate for that ending

(1 edit) (+3)

hehehe ty!

hmmmmmmm i have to honest i'm afraid you have to redo the entire thing? if you're at the point when you have to rob bank and fail afterwards it's probably hopeless uwu 
but actually it doesn't matter how you resolve the money issue to get the catdog route, you can as well build your bitcoin empire, it won't matter; let me still give you the example with how to get the entire ending including an extra scene of them too;
on weekends make sure to allow acoite to "laze around" regularly
"grant its wish and hope it leaves you alone" (pizza delivery)
"channel the power of the undead" (for the girl with a huge backpack's wish)
upgrade insight to 35
"agree" (certainly a lich)
upgrade soul navigation to 30
"deny your connection" (after first time meeting death)
upgrade compassion to 50
"give mental health advice" (filmmaker)
upgrade the abyss or "the divine order" to "25"
"refuse" (chtulhu) 

i believe that the rest doesn't matter and does not affect it in any way


darn back to the beginning, but anything for that route ty


I'm not finished this yet but I want to share some funny moment

so.. I was forgot to take my antidepressant today  but I got to the part that we talk with the octo-god and mentioned about antidepressant. that's reminded me to take my pill

tldr thanks to you I don't have to restart my 2 years journey


i MIGHT be obsessed with this...... artstyle so pretty and im in love with their personalities holy shirtleboink!!!111!!!1!!

poly relationship with Death, Theodore, and Acoite ending when!!!






Just finished playing the game, I thought this was quite fun! Love the humor and Theodores personality. I do want to ask is there a way to not make that little litch cry i felt so bad!

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you!

And actually, there is a way!

beware spoilers ahead

Firstly, if you outright refuse their request, they'll leave on a more hopeful note; 

And, if acoite's insight is 35 or higher OR his affinity to "the abyss" 10 or higher (which can only be unlocked if acoite was a bad kitty on day 6 and is currently on godly probation) then you can actually talk to lich a little further without making them cry; 


hey i think this game killed me and revived me at the same time. thanks i love it! <3

cry because my English so bad for play(


This is such a fun game! I love the wry sense of humour and the aesthetics; the art is gorgeous!
Unfortunately I keep getting killed by Cthulhu no matter what choices I make haha, but it's been fun digging into this VN and seeing all of the various scenes. There's a lot to discover here, and the characters are very charming!

Thank you for blessing me with a cute cat-eared god; the world needs more catboys >_<;;


thank you ebi! 

you need divine order 100 and potence + minions 10 to beat cthulhu; you get 1 potence point for lazing around once and 3 minions for every minion summon


Honestly this game is amazing.

The humour is stellar and I had a great time with my dear little Kitty Eldritch Lovecraftian Deity being a very unhinged but totally helpful God.

thank you so much for playing! 


Theo after ascending in that one route 😭😭: Image


so true fr fr 


so cool! what does STEM stand for?

(1 edit) (+1)

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics!

okay thanks!


I love this game sm, I think its my favourite :D, also I got the TRUE ENDING!! IM SO HAPPY IM GONNA DIE, THEY KISSED AHQFKEHF


thank you thank you please don't die :D


This game is so much fun!! I've played games from both devs and coming together, it came so nicely. Both the art and the writing compliment each other so well. I know I'm going to spend a couple more hours getting more endings! Great game :D


thank you for playing!


Incredibly fun game! The art and writing is wonderful! Though it seems like the game is refusing to let me continue it heh...even if get Divine Order to 100 and summon a lot of minions I can't seem to defeat Cuthulu...

(2 edits) (+1)

you also need potence to beat Cthulhu! 

you get potence by lazing around during weekends.
to win, you need >10 of potence+minions (one 'lazing around' gives 1 potence, one 'summon minions' gives 3 minions)


Ah that explains it! Ive been avoiding lazing around most of the time...thank you!

(1 edit)

well, you probably are not summoning enough minions? i don't see any bugs in the code and it works fine for me, so 


the requirements is

"potence" + minions OVER 10
and divine order equaling 100 

each time acoite lazes around during the weekends he gets 1 "potence" point; each time he summons minions, he summons 3 of them. 

some follower events and choices make him spend potence points tho, so you gotta let him laze from time to time throughout the story. . . and if you're aiming for true ending dont forget to let acoite spend time with theodore. . . and im very sorry to tell you that chtulhu fight is not even the last difficult stat check. . .
wishing you all the luck. . .


Amaaaaaaazing artstyle and colors!!! Can't stop admiring it

(1 edit) (+2)

I know Theodore is probably the only romanceable character, but I chased after Death so hard XDD He's such a good boy and CAT X DOG IS JUST SO CHARMING OK

awesome game, the art is so good and there's NO bugs in such a long game!! It's almost sad how easy Acoite can just die, like I will TIE him on the living plane if I have to!!! >:)

Acoite will always just be so charming to me as I bend my will like hot steel to ship Theo x Acoite. Honestly, regardless this game is just SO FUN as a whole XD


hehe stupid kitty can mess up easily!! 

but, there is an ending that can be interpreted as a Death romance route!~ 

(and we do plan to have more scenes and a special CG with him in the extended edition)
(our artist also ships them all together in a threesome polycule)
(so there will probably be some poly content, too)

thank you for playing!!

(2 edits)


ah, the Death ending is called 'Mercy and mortality'!

also, ren'py has a built-in skip function! just hold 'CTRL' while you play to skip over seen text! (you can also skip unseen text if you checkmark it in settings)

WOOO THAT MEANS I GOT IT THEN!! also i didnt know that, tysm!!! xD


ok so quick update the artist also asked me to tell you that you should also consider shipping theodeath ha


(1 edit)

ERDFDRDHFSDFG I'LL DO MY BEST 💖💖 morally grey human x god of death HERE I COME???


I'm absolutely in love with this game, even though I do wish there was some kind of way of knowing which endings I've already gotten.

All in all, love it, the best I've played in a while honestly.

hey! thank you for playing! we have updated it... now you can see the endings...........

Deleted 228 days ago
(1 edit) (+7)

i'm sorry but is the child in question a litter of kittens? . . . . . . . . .


the art is incredible


First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game so much! The variability, the characters, the humor, the art, the character designs, the honestly pretty insightful comments on the nature of concepts, the worldbuilding, the fact that you play as an eldritch catboy god, all of it! You did a great job with this game and it's honestly so fun to play and explore the different paths!

Second, I did find a bug! When you try and fail to rob a bank and ask for money from the gods and get it, there's a ValueError: could not convert string to float: '=0.1' which I believe is caused by the quotes being around the equals sign as well as the value itself, so hopefully should be an easy fix!


you know what the art, themes, and writing for this game were already enough to get my undying respect & love But the genuine fuckin.. sense of accomplishment every time i actually was able to change something after going back and fiddling with stats a million times? unmet, dude..... the epic highs and lows of VIDEO GAMES ARE HARD I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE to oooh SHIIIT i am a GENIUS i know EVERYTHING video games are SO EASY. very fun and lovely experience, colored my whole weekend, especially big fan of the simple yet godsent(lol) features of the "back" button. thank you for the food!!!!!!!! so yummy :3c


Highly recommend! The art is great and the writing is So funny and enjoyable. The characters are really endearing too!

some lightly spoilery notes below --

The tips for endings are a lifesaver! I don't tend to have the stamina to tinker with stat-raising games to get multiple endings but I was able to get the "true end" after a few tries. I found myself playing for quite a while today trying out some different things but haven't managed to get the difficult-to-get ending quite yet. Would love some more detailed tips for the endings at some point!


Lovely game. A cohesive look and simple but interesting designs. I love the music, but I'm not sure where it's from from your credits. Regardless, many interesting ideas presented.


SUCH A GOOD GAME!!!, i can't rlly figure out how to beat thulus ass but the game is so charming


Reminder for myself to play this game.


(Copypasted from the Spooktober jam rating page to help this title with's algorithm)

I like this title a lot! The art is lovely and the writing is wonderfully witty and smart. 

I ended up enjoying Acoite a lot as a character - he's really endearing, and since I was going for a high compassion run with my stat-raising, his advice to other characters in the setting was really profound. As a creator myself, I think about the advice he gave the troubled filmmaker a lot: genuinely good stuff right there. Theodore is a lovely deuteragonist too: I enjoyed reading his philosophical discussions with Acoite. 

Unfortunately, I can't seem to make it through to a proper ending in the game. I think I might've accidentally softlocked myself into the bad ending where Acoite goes up against Cthulhu and fails to win. I tried raising my Divine Pantheon stat in one playthrough, and my Void stat in another - but neither of these strategies worked against this scenario. 

That said, I see you're working on an endings guide at the moment, so I'd love to come back to this game and get a proper ending once it's available: because I really do enjoy what's here.

Thanks for making this!


PLEASE BEGGING SOBBING ON MY KNEES. please give us a detailed instruction manual or smth on how to get the endings like I am DESPERATELY p l e a d i n g.

(2 edits) (+1)

btw love this game I've been playing it since the first day it released very nice coding, art, writing and theme etc etc great work !!


ahahahahhaha sorry for making it too hard ;-;

I'll write a more detailed guide for 1.01 version during the weekend.........

thank you for playing!!


i'm still trying to figure out how not to die and continue progressing but! this is a lovely game with charming art and writing. I absolutely love the back-and-forth between acoite and theodore

thank you! we're really glad you're enjoying it!

(oh, and we have some tips for how to reach the endings... but if they won't help, drop us a comment and we'll elaborate on how to avoid being yeeted out of the human realm!)

After a few trials and error i finally got to the True End and it was so worth the effort! i'm just... them... sob sob cry sob i love them so much you have no idea

can't wait for ver 2.0!

hewwo- we have ver. 2.0 live now!


I want to preface that this something I encountered through many different play throughs and did not mention in previous posts to not detract from the review but on week 33 Ethics 101 I get an error. This is not an issue as you can click the ignore button and simply move past it, but I figured this could be an issue for some people and wanted to do my part to help. I can post the full error code with all the traceback text if that would help. 

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/week3334.rpy", line 122, in <module>

NameError: name 'eyesopen' is not defined


Ah, thank you so much! There was a typo, we hotfixed it! Version 1.01 should work properly now. 

And if you stay tuned for ver. 2.0 then we have even more lore and some cool CGs we couldn't finish in time for the jam but---


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